SGA Project – The Story Behind Fantasy Slots

It’s no secret at all that slots have a wide variety of inspirations behind them. True, a lot of them are just based on whatever cute, furry animal the developers thought of that day with little effort beyond that, but there’s just as many, if not more, that dig a bit deeper when searching for a source to adapt. Whether it’s some sort of license that the developers are attempting to recreate, or perhaps a story or even an entire mythology (like the tale of King Arthur), or maybe just the general feel of a fantasy world inspired by a classic author like Tolkien. No matter how you look at it, fiction – specifically fantasy fiction – has inspired a TON of classic slots! And I wanna talk about them!

Hi, my name is Jules, and I’ve been reading fantasy since I knew how to read at all! I’ve read them all, from the huge classics to the small (and often terrible) releases that get self-published on Amazon every single day. Of course, Jules isn’t my real name – I took it from an author that you should be quite familiar with by this point, if you somehow stumbled upon blog! What I’ll be doing here is looking at the stories behind various slots, both licensed and not. We’ll be discussing the story of whatever fantasy realm inspired the various slot, its history and context, and ultimately deciding whether the slot adaptation managed to capture the essence and spirit of the original! Please make sure to check in frequently, because there’s a LOT of slots to get through and it seems like we’ll be here for quite a while!